Stationery items have always been a widely popular advertising tool in real estate to promote your brand name without being too ‘aggressive’. While coffee mugs, notepads, and keyrings are fairly common, presentation folders present an opportunity to go one step further in order to establish your brand and increase your reach. Not only that, but presentation folders will help to encourage your clients and business associates to keep their paperwork organized, conveying an image of diligence and efficiency within your organization.
Presentation folders are also an advertising tool that allows you to explore a wide range of designs, color schemes, and shapes to promote your brand. Naturally, the more creative and stylish the design, the better your real estate business will be perceived by others. Despite evidence to the contrary, most of your competitors don’t believe these marketing tactics but let us be the one to tell you that in such a fierce industry, every part of your marketing strategy is essential.
This means that even a high-quality, well-designed presentation folder can go a long way in terms of how others perceive you and your brand. Presentation folders also serve as excellent gifts for clients or others in your industry, giving you an excuse to build relationships will also establish your business as much as possible.
Here at Tiny Tomato Design, we believe in the fine attention to detail, We know that every seemingly minor effort matters and an attractive presentation folder can speak volumes about who you are and the value you have to offer to those you wish to help.
It is crucial to design your business’ presentation folders as though they are to be sold, as opposed to simply given away. By creating presentation folders that are of the highest quality possible, complete with a sleek design and functional material, ensures that your folders are actually used for what they are intended for. Otherwise, you run the risk of giving out folders that only stand to be thrown out, basically wasting away an otherwise valuable piece of marketing material.
Presentation folders are extremely useful when the client is struggling to keep track of their documents and important paperwork, as they are for you and fellow colleagues within your business. These folders will work wonders at creating an image of reliability, encouraging your clients to depend on your guidance when it comes to real estate. You can use them as gifts to mark the beginning of a new client relationship, or swing them out during times of stress and confusion. Naturally, everywhere the folders make an appearance, they are effectively advertising your brand and its services.
We can help you curate high-quality presentation folders that hold true to your brand identity, giving you the aura of superiority that you deserve. Our team’s experience and knowledge of color and design techniques allow us to create designs that boost the effectiveness of your marketing efforts. We can help you design customized presentation folders for as low as $89.
Interested in having us design your presentation folder?
Get in touch with us today to discuss your upcoming project.